Our Services

Consultancy Service


Identifying the risks of your business and asset is the primary step in protecting them. Our security consulting services are customized to your specific needs to help you understand, manage, and mitigate your existing and forthcoming risks. We help you developing cost effective mitigation measures against each risk along with holistic approach of safeguarding. Intense security audits can assist you identify gaps in your existing security measures and adopt strategies to strengthen these. Our all-hazard mitigation methods can help you to achieve regulatory compliance and get competitive benefits. We assure your ROI and help turn protection measures a true business facilitator.

  • Risk Assessment
  • Risk treatment solution
  • Policy-Process development
  • Security Audit
  • Security design
  • Crisis & emergency management solution
  • Workforce Performance improvement solution


Enhance your reliability on human resources, get them trained on risk management and resilience against any unfavorable condition and processes. Boost security team capacity through functional trainings we offer.
We don’t believe in one size fits for all. Get customized training after a careful training need assessment by us. We can help your security team optimizing their processes, minimise losses and provide more impactful reporting that add value of security to the business.
We offer a series of trainings both online and in classroom covering wide range of functional areas for professional development.
  • Risk assessment
  • Process development
  • CTPAT & supply chain security  
  • Surveillance
  • Guarding management
  • Security technology
  • Incident management
  • Crisis management
  • Guard training
  • Investigation
  • Information security
Training Service
Awareness Development Service

Awarness Development

Security awareness program can promote organizational and individual role to reduce risks and promote a culture of ethics and trust. It significantly promotes employee participation, confidence, and code of conduct.

We can help you designing awareness campaigns and frameworks to promote compliance with policies and procedures, controls, and practices to ensure individuals act responsibly. This significantly promotes safe-secure work environment and informed decision making by the business leaders.

  • Workplace violence prevention
  • Information security
  • Personal, family and workplace security
  • Travel security
  • Anticorruption
  • Anti terrorism
  • Substance abuse control
  • Sexual Harassment control
  • Occupational health & safety
  • Fire prevention
  • First aid
  • Security-policy & industry best practices

Recruitment Aid

Professionalism and reliability is the ultimate outmost prerequisite for both personnel and agency who is entrusted with your security. We can help you finding resource or agency service that fits the needs of your business, helps you optimize your resources and operations, and get the possible best out of it. Our service include the identifying the best candidates, organized and tailored interviews and assessments, and get you the best candidate suitable for your business.
Again for outsourcing of security service we can aid you to get best suitable service in competitive package.

  • Recruiting security personnel
  • Background verification
  • Technical evaluation of security service provider
  • Due diligence investigation
  • Service level agreement formation
  • SLA monitoring
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